
Accept applications for Fascinating Travel Galore! (free)

Dear Exhibitors;

We have organized a 'Fascinating Travel Galore!' project (free) and we are accepting applications for it.

'Fascinating Travel' is where participating exhibitors can provide travel-related resources and information that can bring wonder or emotion. The panels will be produced by the organizer based on information provided by exhibitors. By creating a galore of these 'Fascinating Travel' panels, meeting various travel needs, the event can provide tips for travel trade professionals, as well as fun and interesting experiences with a stamp-rally and prizes for the general public.

The detailed information including the application form is attached.
 Note: Due date is August 5, 2011 extended by a week.

Contact: JATA Travel Showcase Exhibition Secretariat

Detailed Information(PDF)

Schedule for Next Year
JATA Travel Showcase 2012
Venue:Tokyo Big Sight