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"JATA Travel Showcase 2011" For the New Flourishing Era
The first biennial JATA Tourism Congress & Travel fair was held in 1977, 13 years after the 1964 liberalization of overseas travel in Japan, just as the overseas travel industry was starting to take off when the number of Japanese overseas travelers stood at 3.15 million. In 2003, the Congress and Fair became an annual event.
In 2011, the JATA Tourism Forum & Travel Showcase will be even more dynamic, leading the travel & tourism industry of Japan and the world, boosting the entire travel market, and creating new demand for travel based on a solid track record.
- Organizer : JATA Tourism Forum & Travel Showcase Organizing Committee
- Support : Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism/Japan Tourism Agency/Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Tokyo Metropolitan Government/Japan Travel and Tourism Association
- Venue : Tokyo Big Sight, East Hall 4, 5 and 6 (approx. 26,000 sqm)
Entrance Fee
- Travel Industry and Press: Free ONLY for Travel Trade Day, September 30, 2011.
- General Public: Adults 1,200 yen, Students 600 yen
- Admission is free for elementary school students accompanied by an adult.
Program (provisional)

*Click on the image to download the PDF file.
Business Sessions

- Extended to two days to attract more participants
- Appointment system introduced
- Exhibitors (sellers) will visit buyers' desks on the first day while buyers will visit sellers' booths on the second day. Additional area for business sessions will be set up in the venue on the second day.
Schedule leading up to the Fair
- 2010 December : Start of applications for the exhibition
- 2011 February 18 (Fri.) : Deadline for early registration discount
- April 28 (Thur.) : Deadline for exhibition applications
- Mid June : Deadline for free and fee-based options
- July 05 : Meeting for exhibitors on design and decoration of exhibition (Announcement of booth allocations)
- Late July : Deadline for decoration plans and other applications
- Late August : Deadline for payment of additional electrical power or leased equipment
- September 28 (Wed.) : Organizers' construction, exhibitors' installation, booth decoration
- September 29 (Thur.) : Exhibitors' installation, booth decoration, Opening Ceremony, JATA Members' Marketplace Day1, Symposium
- September 30 (Fri.) : JATA Travel Showcase open to the travel trade and press (JATA Members' Marketplace Day2, Symposium)
- October 1 (Sat.) : JATA Travel Showcase open to the general public, and travel trade and press
- October 2 (Sun.) : JATA Travel Showcase open to the general public, and travel trade and press End of exhibition, Booth removal
- Early December : Distribution of the Report